all postcodes in RM10 / DAGENHAM

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM10 8AA 1 1 51.544179 0.165833
RM10 8AB 1 1 51.543684 0.165448
RM10 8AD 48 0 51.542374 0.160886
RM10 8AE 30 0 51.537693 0.170313
RM10 8AF 20 0 51.537234 0.171315
RM10 8AG 1 0 51.537316 0.169285
RM10 8AH 18 5 51.542999 0.165416
RM10 8AJ 44 1 51.543 0.163917
RM10 8AL 16 0 51.542652 0.161333
RM10 8AN 42 0 51.546149 0.16434
RM10 8AP 27 1 51.542652 0.163785
RM10 8AQ 1 1 51.539056 0.165186
RM10 8AR 41 1 51.542357 0.16367
RM10 8AS 28 0 51.540957 0.167887
RM10 8AT 47 0 51.541253 0.167929
RM10 8AU 36 0 51.539985 0.167451
RM10 8AX 23 0 51.539825 0.169808
RM10 8AY 55 0 51.549854 0.15064
RM10 8AZ 30 0 51.549801 0.151056
RM10 8BA 19 0 51.540641 0.170495